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Your Contribution Matters

TeachUNITED relies on the generous support of individual donors and foundation and corporate partners to support the impact of students and teachers to provide a brighter future for all children regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic status. When you make a gift to TeachUNITED, you can be confident that your investment is used to maximize impact. Access our most recent reports below as well as an archive of historical reports.

Annual & Quarterly Impact

2023 Impact Report

TeachUNITED achieved a significant milestone in 2023 – reaching more than one million students and 30,000 educators globally! But reach is only a celebration if coupled with positive change for our teachers and students. Success lies in the transformations witnessed among our participants last year. Read the full report.

Q2 2024 Impact Report

Our program is helping increase achievement in STEM in East Africa, building key foundational skills in literacy in Latin America, and boosting teacher confidence in new teaching strategies in the United States. Read more about the changes for more than 1.8M students and hear from participating teachers in the full report. 

Impact Studies

TeachUNITED released two impact studies to share findings of program impact at our Innovation Hubs in Tanzania and Costa Rica.

The results show that while each region has unique challenges to providing quality education, participating in TeachUNITED has transformed schools. Teachers’ increased effectiveness is leading to significant improvements in student outcomes, increasing opportunities for generations.