Teacher Shortage & “Grow Your Own” Programs: A Central Theme from 2023 National Forum to Advance Rural Education

Several of our U.S. team members attended the 2023 National Forum to Advance Rural Education last fall. They had the privilege of participating in crucial conversations about the challenges and opportunities in rural education across the country. One of the focal points of discussion was the persistent teacher shortage.

“Grow Your Own” to Combat Teacher Shortages

The teacher shortage in rural communities is a well-documented concern, and the conference brought educators, policymakers, and organizations like TeachUNITED together to explore sustainable solutions. The “Grow Your Own” (GYO) model emerged as one possibility, emphasizing the recruitment and preparation of local individuals to become educators within their own communities. But building successful GYO programs come with a host of challenges like community engagement, resource constraints, meeting state credentialing and certification requirements, quality of training, and concerns with school capacity to provide ongoing retention and support.

Coaching + “Grow Your Own”

A key takeaway from the discussions at NFARE was the pivotal role of teacher professional development in the success of GYO programs. Coaching emerged as a cornerstone, providing ongoing support and guidance to educators as they navigate the challenges of teaching in rural settings. TeachUNITED emphasized the importance of a tailored coaching program, one that addresses the unique needs of GYO teachers, ensuring their continued growth and effectiveness in the classroom. In rural areas, where resources may be limited, investing in teacher professional development through coaching is a strategic move. It not only enhances the skills and confidence of GYO educators but also contributes to the overall resilience of the rural education system. Our participation in NFARE underscores our commitment to being a driving force behind positive change in rural education. By nurturing talent within rural areas, we aim to not only fill the immediate need for qualified educators but also to create a lasting impact by fostering a sense of community and connection between teachers and students. Contact us to discuss ways to build this kind of program in your district.