It’s back to school time in the U.S., and we’re excited to kick off partnerships with new schools this year! Our U.S. program has grown from a small pilot in rural Colorado to reaching 10,000+ educators in 300+ schools/districts across rural parts of the Mountain West, Midwest, and Northeast. We don’t plan to stop here! 

Reaching all these educators only matters though if it’s making a difference in their daily practices and ultimately, for their students. We want teachers and administrators who leave our program to feel inspired and prepared to try new strategies in their schools and feel more connected to their peers. That positive growth carries forward in subsequent years as they coach other teachers in their school and create a ripple effect of change that lasts. With a single teacher having the potential to reach up to 3,000+ students in their career – that’s a lot of opportunity for impact! 

We have cohorts in a select group of schools in New Hampshire that recently began the administrator program, and we will begin to work with their teachers later this fall. Our coaches are working with them 1:1 and in group settings throughout the whole program. Following best practices for engagement and coaching, we aim to have a consistent feedback loop with all participants so that we can adapt to changing conditions in your schools and districts. That also means we get the chance to showcase the great work our district partners are doing throughout the school year! Here’s some initial lessons learned from those Administrators who recently participated in a TU Professional Learning Community webinar:

We’ll be sharing more stories like this throughout the school year, so make sure to check back. And welcome to all our new U.S. schools!