Invest in their future
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Will you donate today?
Ensuring kids receive a quality education starts with great teachers. A donation from you today will provide 1:1 coaching and best practices for a teacher who wants to be their best in the classroom, to positively impact their students’ lives.
sponsors an entire school or community-based NGO for two full years.
trains a teacher to help sustain transformation in their community.
can improve student outcomes of one classroom.
represents a single student impacted by a more effective teacher.
Consider becoming a recurring giver!
Recurring giving (monthly, quarterly, annually) is the most convenient and effective way to provide consistent teacher support for these rural and underserved communities.
Long-term Impact
Ongoing donations contribute to the longevity of the program, ensuring local schools receive the tools and strategies to make changes that last for their students and communities.
Seamless Process
Your donation happens automatically based on the timing you choose and what’s right for your budget. Your gift can be spread out over the year, and you can make changes or cancel at anytime.
Use the form below to begin your one-time or recurring online gift.
To make a gift by wire, please contact:
To make a gift by check, please mail to:
19 Old Town Square, Suite 238
Fort Collins, CO 80547
Gifts may also be sent via Venmo @TeachUNITED
The power of investment.
More than half the world’s children are not learning critical math, literacy, and life skills.
Without these foundational skills in place, students often fail to thrive as they progress through school and join the workforce. Without action, more than 1.5 billion adults could be living in extreme poverty in 2050. Underserved and rural areas are the most impacted.
We believe teachers are the solution. A donation today:
Ensures that a teacher learns how to recognize the signs of waning engagement and finds ways to get her students involved in learning.
Ensures that a teacher has the right strategies and support to keep her students from falling behind and continuing in school longer.
Ensures that a teacher feels confident in the classroom and encourages other teachers in the school to adopt new classroom practices.
Did you know thousands of companies match donations by employees? See if your employer will match your donation here.